
Treasure hunt

The Fantasy Hunt

Come and discover our new treasure hunt!

It is aimed at a wide audience: 8-99 years old.


The Château de l'Islette is the scene of unusual events. Indeed, several visitors have witnessed strange phenomena: doors that open or close on their own, objects that move, lights that turn on and off randomly, strange noises, grunts, etc.

Will you be able to unravel the mystery of the castle and discover the secret of these curious manifestations? It is said that only children, and adults who have retained the soul of a child, will be able to see and hear the invisible.

Rental is done directly on site at the ticket office at a price of €25/game kit.

No reservation.

⚠️ The castle will be open every day from 10:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. from September 1st to 30th ⚠️